EngineNode SID - view 2

EngineNode SID

In accordance with Section 182A of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) EngineNode Ltd., gives notice of its intention to make an application for permission/approval to An Bord Pleanála in relation to the proposed development described below. The proposed development primarily comprises the provision of a new 220 kV substation with Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) technology and two 220 kV underground transmission cables (connecting to existing 220 kV overhead lines to the north of the proposed substation) along with associated and ancillary works. The proposed development is located within the townlands of Bracetown, Gunnocks, Paddingstown, Normansgrove, Rowan, Portmanna, and Pace. The application site has a total area of c. 14.35 hectares.

The proposed development is described as follows:

The proposed 220 kV GIS substation is to be located on lands at Bracetown and Gunnocks, to the north of Clonee, to the west of the R147 Regional Road, and to the southeast of Bracetown Business Park. The proposed substation is located to the south of a proposed data storage development subject to a separate concurrent application under Meath County Council Reg. Ref.: RA191593 and An Bord Pleanála Reg. Ref.: ABP-307546-20.

The proposed substation includes the provision of four transformers, a client control building (with a gross floor area of c. 637 sq.m) and a two storey GIS substation building (with a gross floor area of c. 2,430 sq.m) within a 2.6 m high fenced compound.

The proposed 220 kV transmission cables will run from the proposed 220 kV GIS substation, connecting to existing 220 kV overhead transmission lines to the north of the substation site (within the townlands referenced above).

One underground transmission cable circuit (the Gunnocks - Woodland circuit) will proceed from the proposed substation to the east, before following the R147 roadway northwards to an existing roundabout linking the R145 with the M3 motorway. From this roundabout, the circuit proceeds northeast through private agricultural lands, before reaching the Corduff – Woodland overhead line. This circuit will cover a distance of c. 2 kilometres.

The other underground transmission cable circuit (Gunnocks – Corduff circuit) will proceed from the proposed substation to the east, following the perimeter of the data storage facility site northwards, then northeast and exiting onto an existing rural roadway. The route then follows this rural road north-eastward, before reaching the Corduff – Woodland overhead line in private agricultural lands to the west of the roadway. This circuit will cover a distance of c. 1.7 kilometres.

Each of the two circuits will terminate in a cable – overhead interface compound containing air-insulated electrical equipment mounted on concrete plinths. Adjacent to each interface compound, an overhead line tower will be erected to facilitate connection of the new underground cables to the existing 220 kV overhead line. Each new overhead line tower will be approximately 21 metres in height, set on top of concrete foundations.

The development includes enabling works, services diversions, adjacent access paths to serve the proposed transmission cables, connections to the proposed substation, landscaping, security fencing and berms, lighting masts, provision of internal access arrangements and car parking within the substation compound, services, all associated construction works, and all ancillary works.